Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Hello Ariel,

[mail to your personal address due to attachments]

they made it to the list, too :) We did not yet forbid attachments,
since we did not yet have problems with / complaints about them.
Finally, this list is low-traffic.

I didn't remember it, seems I'm used to the Spanish [not from Spain but Castilian-speaking people] mailing list,that always rejects them.

yes, I thought it was more complex. Reading the sources it seems we have
only to call EnableEntryEditing( FALSE )

Yes. Or default-initialize the respective member of the class so that
clients which actually want to use this need to call EnableEntryEditing(
TRUE ). As you found out, there are more (only! - the dialogs you
pointed to are the only ones) clients which do not want to use the
feature, so default-initializing to false seems sensible here.

Yes, I thought about it, but I didn't send you the "bug fix" (just as simple-stupid as the one for the database app.: just initializing by default the member on SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl with a FALSE value [1]): I was not sure if you "can" fix bugs from other projects (does SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl belong to GRAPHIC SYSTEM LAYER? :-( ) or just dispatch issues from dbacess.

For the same reason, I didn't open any issue for the *Templates dialog* and the *Hyperlink dialog* (as you point out the only ones -at least I found- that use this icon choice control. If you "can't"(i.e. the project owner only is able to do so) fix SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl, or you can't pass the bug to the owner project, please let me know, so I report the issue to the corresponding project/s.

following the advice on Dev's Guide chap 4

"Last but not least, this is not the only way to add features to the
office. Learning how to write components and how to use the API *at the same time teaches you* the techniques used in
the code base, thus enabling you to work with the
existing source code, extend it or introduce bug fixes."

Hehe, this silently asumes all the source code is employing UNO itself,
which isn't the case,

yes, unfortunately :-( , as we talked in the previous message.

but it's a good idea, nonetheless.

I will have to think in what I would really like to work. Right now, I'm
   in a state of "joy and pleasure" when reading OOo source code:
everything is amazing (some people may think I'm crazy, finding pleasure
in reading source code, but I'm sure you understand: just like a kid
opening the Christmas gifts, a computer science student stays "erstaunt
/ überrascht / verwundert" when you give him the gift to see how it
really works - my words are always: "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!, so that how it's
done!!!!!!!! )

Personally, I need a debugger for this feeling as soon as it becomes
slightly complex, but yes, I know this feeling ...

Of course me too. Right now I'm not compiling - building - debugging OOo, just reading the source code in that old-fashion. This way I miss a lot, but what I can understand still surprises me. Others (== MS) give you an API, a SDK, etc., but they keep the secret so well hid. You let us know how it really works in the back scene.

Okay, I will check in the fix next week, doesn't seem to make sense to
let the issue linger around (even if it's such a good easy2dev issue).

Luck with that.

Thanks & Ciao

Thanks and bye.

[1] svtools/source/contnrimivctl1.cxx

SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl( SvtIconChoiceCtrl* pCurView,
        WinBits nWinStyle ) :
        aEntries( this ),
        aVerSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_VSCROLL ),
        aHorSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_HSCROLL ),
        aScrBarBox( pCurView ),
        aImageSize( 32, 32 ),
        pColumns( 0 )
        bEntryEditingEnabled=FALSE;// this line initializes the member
        pEntryPaintDev = 0;
        pCurEditedEntry = 0;
        pCurHighlightFrame = 0;
        pEdit = 0;
        pAnchor = 0;
        pDraggedSelection = 0;

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


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