Hello Du Yunfen,

> It's still a building error of m226.;(
> Who can give me some help,please? I'll be very grateful!
> ...
> **************************************************
> ERROR: ERROR: Could not register all components for file services.rdb 
> (gid_Starr
> egistry_Services_Rdb)!
> in function: create_services_rdb
> **************************************************

This usually means you have a library which a) implements one or more
UNO services (which are to be written into the services.rdb at this
point) and b) cannot be loaded.

a) is true for nearly all libraries today. b) usually means you have
some incompatibilities in your build, that is, the code in one library
has been changed incompatibly without dependent library being

In a usual OpenOffice.org environment, this should be difficult to do
:), since a "build --all" in instsetoo_native should re-build the
complete source tree as necessary.

> **************************************************
> ERROR: Saved logfile: 
> j:/src680_m226/instsetoo_native/wntmsci10.pro/OpenOffice/m
> si/logging/en-US/log_SRC680_en-US.log
> **************************************************

This log file is able to tell you which libraries could not be loaded.
Look into the file, and find the lines saying "error: could not register
..." (or something like this). For the libraries named there, find out
which modules they are built in. Re-build those modules. In a first
attempt, try a simple "build" in the module, followed by a "deliver". If
this doesn't change anything, re-build the module completely.

Alternatively you can use a smaller cudgel: For the affected libraries,
do a "depends <libary>" (depends.exe is a tool from the Platform SDK, it
should be in your build environment). It will open a UI which allows you
to analyze in detail which are the unresolved external identifiers in
this library. This can (once you get used to read this information) give
you an idea where the incompatibility comes from.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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