Hi,Frank You had told me a very useful and good way, Thanks.
I had done build --all --html --ignore in instsetoo_native,then two errors was repeated. I list them as follows. (I had build m223 successfully, and contrast of the file ../\inc\offuh\com\sun\star\sdbcx\Privilege.hdl (24) in m223 and m226 , it is the same.) duyunfen ps: reportdesign error was described in the other mail. basctl error: /MAP /OPT:NOREF -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE -DEBUG:full /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /DLL -out: ../wntmsci10.pro/bin/basctl680mi.dll -map:../wntmsci10.pro/misc/basctl680mi.map ..\wntmsci10.pro\lib\basctl.exp ..\wntmsci10.pro\slo\basctl_dflt_version.obj ..\ wntmsci10.pro\slb\basctl.lib isvx.lib sfx.lib basic.lib svtool.lib itk.lib ivcl. lib isvl.lib sot.lib iutl.lib itools.lib ixcr.lib icomphelp.lib icppuhelper.lib iucbhelper.lib icppu.lib isal.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib advapi32.lib comdlg32.li b msvcrt.lib uwinapi.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib stlport_vc71.lib . .\wntmsci10.pro\misc\basctl680mi.res basctl.lib(dlged.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dl limport) public: class SdrPaintWindow * __thiscall SdrPaintView::BeginDrawLayers (class OutputDevice *,class Region const &)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED] w@@QAEPAVSdrPaintWindow@@PAVOutputDevice@@ABVRegion@@@Z) referenced in function "private: long __thiscall DlgEditor::PaintTimeout(class Timer *)" (?PaintTimeout @DlgEditor@@AAEJPAVTimer@@@Z) ../wntmsci10.pro/bin/basctl680mi.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externa ls dmake: Error code 2, while making '../wntmsci10.pro/bin/basctl680mi.dll' ---* tg_merge.mk *--- ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /cygdrive/j/src680_m226/basctl/util sc error: prevwsh.cxx j:\src680_m226\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\inc\offuh\com\sun\star\sdbcx\Privilege.h dl(24) : error C2510: 'sal_Int32' : left of '::' must be a class/struct/union dmake: Error code 2, while making '../../../wntmsci10.pro/slo/prevwsh.obj' ---* tg_merge.mk *--- ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /cygdrive/j/src680_m226/sc/source/ui/vi ew sd error: drviewsb.cxx j:\src680_m226\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\inc\offuh\com\sun\star\sdbcx\Privilege.h dl(24) : error C2510: 'sal_Int32' : left of '::' must be a class/struct/union j:\src680_m226\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\inc\svtools\transfer.hxx(212) : fatal er ror C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation dmake: Error code 2, while making '../../../wntmsci10.pro/slo/drviewsb.obj' ---* tg_merge.mk *--- ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /cygdrive/j/src680_m226/sd/source/ ui/vi ew sw error: j:\src680_m226\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\inc\offuh\com\sun\star\sdbcx\Privilege.h dl(24) : error C2510: 'sal_Int32' : left of '::' must be a class/struct/union