On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 14:45 +0000, Drew wrote:
> Well, what I meant was that in MSA you can open a query and then
> switch to SQL view ( arrgh forgot what the actual call that ),

I looked around for a while in MSA, both with the query window open and
also checking the export options etc, and could not find any "SQL view".
In the Help documentation in MSA, it talks about exporting queries as
SQL or to SQL servers-- all the terminology was not clear to me. But I
did not find any straightforward option for "switching to SQL view".
There must be a way, but today I did not come across it. 

>  this gives you a textual representation of the query statement. This
> text is what you want to copy and move into a new query in Base.

It sounds great. If anyone knows how to get this "textual representation
of the query statement", please let me know.

> CAVEAT - I have not tried this - it is just conjecture on my part, so
> there most likely will be some detail I have overlooked.

Is there perhaps prepared tutorial about this on the Wiki or anywhere? I
would guess I'm not the first person who wanted to import an MSA query.

> One problem I know could come up, and I think I mentioned this before,
> is if your query in MSA references the current value of a control on a
> form. This is a feature not currently supported in Base. ( for all I
> know it will never be supported, my use of the word currently there )

I don't think this will be an issue for me. I'm not absolutely certain
what it means, but I do not think my query in MSA references the current
value of a control on a form. My query is for producing a straight
forward mailing list. I have around 7 or 8 queries each of which
produces a different mailing list, from a master data base. The master
database has around 3500 addresses, and these get divided onto various
mailing lists by multiple criteria from the table, none of which are
complex. But there ARE quite a number of criteria, and for this reason I
thought it would be easiest just to import the queries. Although if it
really is a complex and difficult matter-- or if it is totally uncharted
territory-- then in the end I may find it easier to just recreate the
queries by hand in Base.


> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Dinbandhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:38 AM
> >To: dev@dba.openoffice.org
> >Subject: Re: [dba-dev] OO 2.3 Base "form" view says "read-only"--    But
> it's not
> >
> >Hello Drew,
> >
> >On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 14:23 +0000, Drew wrote:
> >> Howdy Swarup,
> >> 
> >> Well, I was not as clear as I might have been on that then.
> >> 
> >> Using a table grid control on a form you have control over the
> display
> >> of the tables fields.
> >> You can choose to not display a particular field in the table for
> >> instance.
> >> You can rearrange the order of the fields on the table for display.
> >> You can NOT alter the structure of the table, to do that you must
> use
> >> the table property editor found in the Tables section.
> >> 
> >> This is similar again to how MS Access works. In the table view you
> >> can rearrange the order of the fields, but to add a field to table
> >> itself you must switch into design mode.
> >> 
> >> For for example. Let's say that you created a table, began using it
> >> and then realized you needed to add a new field. You would like
> that
> >> field to display in the third position in the table.
> >> 
> >> You would go to the Tables section in Base and open the table in
> edit
> >> mode. This brings up the property editor. You would add a new
> field,
> >> but this field will be added to the end of the table. That is the
> only
> >> choice you have at the moment using the GUI. After saving your
> edits
> >> if you opened the data view window on the table ( double clicking
> the
> >> table name for instance ) the order of the fields displayed is
> >> identical to the order they hold in the physical table.
> >> 
> >> However if you instead return to your form, open it in edit mode
> and
> >> select the grid you would do this.
> >> Right mouse click on the table grid's header. On the context menu
> that
> >> opens you select 'Show Columns'. The newly added field in the table
> >> will be listed. You select it - again it is added to the end of the
> >> fields. But here you can drag it to the third position and then
> save
> >> the form. From now on when you open the form for data editing the
> >> order of the fields will be what you wanted.
> >> 
> >> Drew
> >
> >Thank you very much. I will study this carefully, and test it out,
> and
> >then get back to you if I have any further questions.
> >
> >I am also in the middle of investigating how to import a query from
> >into Ubuntu BASE. You had said earlier that I should do that by
> >exporting from MSA as an SQL, and to make a temp file of the SQL
> file. I
> >was in Windows MSA this morning trying to read up in the Help files
> on
> >how to export as SQL. It was quite detailed reading, and I guess I
> >haven't yet come away with a clear understanding. It talks about
> using
> >ODBC file data sources, and exporting to an SQL server. I'm not quite
> >sure if it has the needed driver or whatever is needed, already
> >installed? Or if there is something more I would need in order to do
> >this. I am using Office 2000.
> >
> >I'm going to read more on it, but if you have any tips in the mean
> time,
> >that would be great! 
> >
> >Regards,
> >Swarup
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> >-----Original Message-----
> >> >From: Dinbandhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 09:26 AM
> >> >To: dev@dba.openoffice.org
> >> >Subject: Re: [dba-dev] OO 2.3 Base "form" view says "read-only"--
> But
> >> it's not
> >> >
> >> >Hello Drew,
> >> >Many thanks for the macro detailing how to change the header of
> the
> >> form
> >> >so it doesn't say "read-only". That is very helpful.
> >> >
> >> >One question I did have about what "read-only" actually means
> there.
> >> You
> >> >wrote:
> >> >
> >> >"That is telling you the 'document' is read only - in other words
> you
> >> >can not move the controls around or edit their properties. The
> data
> >> link
> >> >is not read only."
> >> >
> >> >So I can change and add data, but I could not alter the structure
> of
> >> the
> >> >table? Is that what it means? If so, it confuses me a bit because
> >> >earlier, you had told me that using the "forms" view I can add new
> >> >columns and insert them wherever in the column order I like.
> >> >
> >> >So, what sort of structural changes can one implement using the
> >> "forms"
> >> >view, and what sort of structural changes would not be possible.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks,
> >> >Swarup 
> >> >
> >>
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