Is the process for import of TABLES from Windows MSA to Ubuntu Base 2.3
the same as it was with Base 2.2? Or has it been upgraded-- 

That is:

1. Can one do the straight import using the Base import wizard, or do
you still have to go through Calc. ie is the date field problem fixed? 

2. What about the bug with the primary key:

     A. Will it allow you to keep the MSA PK in Base's Import Wizard?

     B. And if one has to go via Calc, then when you bring the table
from Calc to Base, in 2.2 it was not possible to set the MSA PK to be
the Base PK. Drew gave me a work around earlier in order to set the MSA
PK as the PK in Base (using the SQL window: ALTER TABLE "Table1" ALTER
COLUMN "ID" IDENTITY). Has that been fixed in 2.3 or does one still have
to use the work around? 


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