Sorry, but you would only have comparable results if you'd use the same
environment regarding the databases.

In this special case the only way of getting there would be to compare
both in server mode on localhost, because even if Derby is running in
it's embedded mode it is not undergoing the penalty of being stored into
the .odb.


True, then we will have a hard explaining why Derby is slower then an embedded HSQL database when used this way won't we.

Well, this thread was supposed to be about Derby and what does and doesn't work...but perhaps if it should morph into something else.

Marc's point is well taken. This isn't really testing apples and oranges...but let's get real about this.

What I have here is a MS Access database. It isn't that large - file size 45 Megs. The largest tables are just under 129,000 records.

Using Base as the front end I can open that database and it opens on the desktop in a snap. Virtually no delay at all. I can open a data view window, it pops onto the screen, on the largest table and jump from record 1 to record 128,469 and it takes ~3 seconds...this is with Base now..not MS Access as the front end. I can run queries contained in that MDB file that perform summary calculations on those tables and none of them take more then 7 seconds to put the answer on the screen. In other words using the jet database engine and ADO I can actually work with this data, using Base as the front end.

OK now move that data into a Base embedded database. The size of the file on disk drops to 30 Megs. Well, big whoop, who cares. That's it for good news, really. There is no way anyone would actually work with this database. It is incredibly slow. It consumes memory like there is no tomorrow. I've put up numbers on this before I won't do so now. I will say that it is not as slow as it used to be.

Using Derby yesterday I only got the one table moved in. A table with 16,361 rows. Open the database, it opens pretty fast ALMOST as fast as the MDB backend database. Open the dataview window and it opens pretty quick, not a pop like using the MDB file, but less then 2 OK. Jump to the last record - go to lunch- OK not lunch, but you might as well go refill your coffee cup. And the whole time the CPU is pegged. The memory usage is almost as bad as with the HSQL embedded database - but like Marc says I can't really compare the two directly.

Now all three examples there are using the same front where is the difference. Well, that is easy, I think...memory allocation

When the Base > MDB combination opens that table the memory allocated goes up by ~2 Megs - in one step. When the Base > HSQL combination opens the table the memory allocated goes up ~35Megs in increments, large ones it seems. When the Base > MDB is told to go to the last row memory allocated jumps by ~42 Megs - in one gulp. When the Base > HSQL combination does the same it starts allocating memory in ~128K blocks for ~10Megs more. ( close and open that table again and the first thing it does is free a block of memory and then starts allocating blocks again..this time smaller then 128K until the total allocated memory now exceeds when it was opened just a few seconds ago ) I can't give you exact numbers but Derby is even worse in how it does this, it appeared.

In fact that is not the full picture of the HSQL embedded database. Using 2.3 there is a new problem. Open and close that table repeatedly and each time you do it gets slower, on the third pass it took 57 seconds to go from the first to the last record and each time it allocates a total amount of memory greater then the previous time.

So next weekend, I have three days with the house completely to myself..and I will try and get very precise, as precise as I can, numbers for all this. Will it help, I don't know...but it seems to me that if memory allocation is actually the problem then that is something that can most addressed.

During the week I'll run some ideas for the actual tests to execute past folks.

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