Ocke Janssen wrote:
Hello Fernand Vanrie,

I attached a short basic macro which creates the report builder. After that you could change the command or other properties you like. Sadly you can't at the moment open it hidden.
And issue
for a better API where you should just call http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=85507

I hope this helps a little bit.
Ocke ,  thanks but your  mailer has replaced  the bas-fileswith this message

""The original attachment - report.bas - has been removed from this
  message, as it is a type of file which has recently been used
  to carry viruses and other malicious software.

  The following extensions are no longer supported as valid
  email attachments and will be removed since they are primarily
  used to carry viruses and other malicious software:

     asp bas bat chm cmd com exe hlp hta inf isp js jse lnk msi mst
     pcd pif reg scr url vbe vbs ws wsh sun.com.zip""

please send me the code in a other file !

thanks again

Best regards,


Fernand Vanrie wrote:

For making Reports acsesable for cummon users i need to make a macro with data-selection- criteria who produces a data-set who can be used a the "source" for a rpre-definned report build by the wizard or the Sun Report Builder. Can the source be altered by the macro and can data selected in the GUI- beamer been used? I can make a row-set out of selected data in the beamer

Thanks for any hint

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