Hi Drew,

> I am running tests to close some of the verified fixed issues and came 
> across something that I feel I need some clarification on.
> Issue #61059 is a specific example.:
> Tested with SRC680_m245 it passes, with OOH680_m6 it fails.
> In the EIS entry for CWS dba24b it shows that the fix for this issue was 
> integrated in m238.
> OK, I realize OOH is the work for the 3.0 release, but should I be 
> noting in the Issues when OOH680_m6 release does not pass for an issue 
> that does in SRC680_m245?

OOH is for the 2.4 release, not for 3.0. SRC680 is for 3.0, though it
will be renamed (IIRC) to DEV300 or something like that.

Also, OOH was branched off from SRC680m238, i.e. *after* m238 had been
finished (somewhere in EIS you can find this information, too, I suppose
- I never remember *where*). So any fix in a CWS which was integrated up
to including m236 should also be present in any OOH build.
For the concrete issue 61059 this means you should re-open it if you can
reproduce it in the OOH builds.

For CWS' which are integrated after m238, the picture is more complex.
Imagine a fix targeted for 2.4 (others are not integrated into OOH680,
so they're of no interest here), included in some CWS. This CWS normally
would need to be integrated into both OOH and SRC. Technicallly, release
engineering creates a "clone" of the CWS, which is just duplicating the
CWS'es changes in CVS. Then, the original CWS is integrated into SRC,
and the clone into OOH (or the other way round, depends on what MWS the
CWS is based on). (Too many acronyms? Yes.)

For instance, look at dba24e. At integration time, it was based on
OOH680m1, which means it was integrated into the OOH branch. At the same
time, a clone was created (EIS has a dedicated "Clones" section in the
"Overview" tab showing this), which is named dba24e_SRC680, which was
integrated into the SRC branch.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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