Good day,

I've been doing databases years ago in DOS, Borland, MS Access, no problem.
Now with latest OO, I have problem to set an auto increment ID.

I am trouble maker because I wish it works my way. In general I found OO as
uneasy to operate as the Office. The functions are not easily accessible, or
have limitations. i.e.  I had lots of problem to switch off the  autocorrect
function turning "i" which is essential in Polish language (equivalet to
"and") which turns into "I".

Well, with database, I set up the table and have no problem to set the form
and queery, but have big problem with setting ID.
The best I got was auto incrementing ID where after first record ID 0001, I
got next record labelled 0011, or 0021.  Even when experimenting, I got 0,
1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5 and record autorepeated themselves or copied themselves
number of times. All sort of problems along with it.  Also despite creating
as I though an auto ID, I have managed to advance to the next record to
enter new data, and next but no ID was auto incremented nor anything visible
was inserted in that field.  The design of ID little function is useless to
me because it either waits for my commands which I do not know, or gives
some auto code which I assume produces an auto incrementing ID but it does

When I use wizard, the only way I can make a table is to pick any of the
template, and they all are quite remote from the table I want. There is no
option to chose my table minus ID, and then the wizard would create ID as it
should.  Is the a way around it?

Can I create the ID exactly as I want like just the incrementing numbers
with my initial value eg: 00001, and next to be 00002.
Or another style of ID: abc 001, abc 002, abc 003?

Can I modify my existing table to change just ID to my liking that is simple
numerical auto ID?

If I can also give some feedback.  The explanation is not good in this
database.  What I am hoping for example is to open some sort of desing view
of selected table, it ends up creating a query. If the icon description
would say query building there would be no confusion.



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