Hello database testing folks and beyond,

as we have currently a big amount of unconfirmed issues and a rather small amount of people who are willing to overtake such a job (confirming them), we want to support the community to overcome their barriers and join this really important process - therefore a part of the Sun Dev. & QA team and probably several OOo QA members will attend and stand in for questions & answers.

Our suggestion date: 20.05 from 13:00 to 15:00 on irc 'qa.openoffice.org' - if you really want to join, but not at this time, please suggest an alternative one till the end of this week (hopefully we can satisfy all willing attendees with a common date).

topic: *confirm issues* .. problems by confirming issues, questions how to confirm issues, how to improve the confirm issues process, how to support OOo QA team (f.e. by confirming issues) etc.

further general database info you get here: http://qa.openoffice.org/ooQAReloaded/DatabaseTeamsite/ooQA-TeamDatabase.html

bye chris

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