Hi Frank,
On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 23:32 +0200, Frank Schönheit wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> please note I answer the mail in dev@dba.openoffice.org, which really is
> the more appropriate for this kind of discussion. Please also stick to
> this list - doing all this in private communication sounds like a waste
> of knowledge to me. Thanks.
> > Just a quick note ( well begging letter perhaps ) to say that I really
> > really want to get data-aware controls working for basic dialogs.
> Oh - challenging.
:-) hopefully not too challenging 
> > I did try with some creative harcoding ;-) and met with some success
> > ( and some odd behaviour e.g. some hangs etc. but in general it worked )
> > So, I wonder am I on the right or wrong track with this approach? what
> > do you think is the right way to go?. What are the obvious pitfalls?
> > What I would like to do initially at least is to get the basic dialog to
> > use the form control ComboBox, ListBox instead of the standard uncontrol
> > ones.
> You don't mention what exactly you did, so I can't answer your question
> whether you're on the right track ...
basically I created a ( calc ) document with a basic dialog with a
ListBox control, in the import code ( xmlscript ) I hardcoded creation
of the "com.sun.star.form.component.DatabaseListBox" instead of the
normal com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlListBoxModel ( so I saw the code you
mentioned regarding trying the global multiservicefactory if the dialog
factory failed ). I had some other test code that used the basic dialog
and in that code I hardcoded values for the model properties
'ValueBinding' and 'ListEntrySource'. As I said it seemed more or less
to work. The ListBox is populated with the values in the range I
specified, selecting entries in the ListBox changed the value in the
bound cell, so at least that is promising
> The major problem I anticipate is that the form control models are not
> prepared to live in a container which is *no* data aware form. This
> might or might not be a problem ...
> First, IIRC the dialog model does *not* set itself as parent of its
> control models - does it? If it *does*, then any access in the form
> control models to their parent component must be checked, as it is
> potentially problematic.
I think you recall correctly, at least the standard unocontrol models
( in toolkit ) don't offer a XChild interface, so although I can't say
for certain that the Dialog code tries to set itself as parent I would
think it is unlikely ( I will look later to confirm ).
> If the dialog model does *not' set itself as parent, then the form
> controls might in fact work in the dialog, but without the
> database-related functionality.
> If you're interested in the cell binding stuff only,
for the moment, but maybe other properties might become interesting also
>  this might be
> sufficient. The cell binding implementations are much more modern than
> the database bindings, so I have hope here. In particular, cell bindings
> are a special case of "value bindings" (see the css.form.binding
> module), which are to be implemented external to the form control
> models, and have a very precise interface to those models.
> At the opposite, database bindings are implemented inside the form
> control models, and parts of the functionality is taken from the data
> forms, which thus are expected to be the parent of a form control model.
> Though some refactoring over the years improved the situation here,
> that's still a mess in some parts.
I guess what I was trying to tease out in my clumsy way is, do you think
it worth moving the  'value binding' bits out forms to the 'base'
control model in toolkit. I worry about the form control bindings you
mention and whether they could cause grief ( I did say in the last mail
that I did notice some hangs, particularly when using the Xray tool to
introspect the control model ) I didn't really investigate more at this
stage. The parent issue also concerns me, ok, I think at the moment
there isn't a problem because I suspect the Dialog doesn't set itself as
a parent. But I would hope there is a future when the Dialog code is
more containment aware and would set itself as parent
> Another item on your list should be the property browser, implemented as
> css.inspection.ObjectInspector in extensions/source/propctrlr
some useful info there indeed, I will of course take note.
> In any case, I *strongly* recommend you doing your implementations in a
> non-product build (configure switch --enable-dbgutil), the code is paved
> with assertions which in a non-product build will report you when
> something is not as expected.
does this give you something extra than just building with debug? ( e.g.
'build debug=t' ) or is this just necessary for windows builds? Does one
need to build the entire office with this switch ( e.g. from the
configure ) or is it possible to be a bit more selective?
> > of course there are additional things to think about like
> >   a) backward compatibility, e.g. would a form control ListBox populated
> > with the properties of the more basic unocontrol ListBox behave the same
> > way
> It should - however, only detailed tests will tell you :)
indeed, of course if pushing 'ValueBinding' & 'ListEntrySource' to the
unocontrol ( in toolkit ) is an option then indeed the behaviour should
be the same I think ( but yes, only testing will tell )
> >   c) file format changes ( although iirc the dialog format is not part
> > of odf so should be a little more flexible )
> Don't know about this. Isn't a colleague of you implementing the layout
> manager, and had to deal with dialog/control file format issues, too?
I think that is dialog as in dialog descriptions in the build, but I
will find out for sure
>  In
> general, whatever we do to the formats, I would appreciate consolidating
> all formats into one.
Not sure what you mean, or do you just mean the names etc. should be the
same for the odf and basic dialog ( I think currently they are
different )
> >   d) how the new properties should be presented ( reproduce the data
> > tab ) - what happens to the form properties, should these be suppressed
> > ( I must admit to being clueless about the forms )
> See above - as said, the implementation for the property browser is in
> extensions/source/propctrlr. To understand how it works, I refer you to
> the module css.inspection, it should give you a good overview. Again, if
> you go for cell bindings only, then you just need to ensure that the
> CellBindingHandler is used when inspecting a "new" dialog control -
> which might even happen automatically
It didn't, for form controls these are usually displayed in a separate 'Data' 
Tab, I suppose I need to look and see how/where that's done, that said I 
wouldn't loose any sleep over it at the moment
> HTH so far. For concrete questions, I'm reading [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...
yes, helpful indeed :-)


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