Am Montag, den 25.08.2008, 14:00 +0200 schrieb Fernand Vanrie:
> OK
> I found a complex :-) solution using temp RTF files, but should works
> select the formated text portion and put it in a new empty OO_source.odf.
> save OO_source.odf  to  RTF_temp.rtf usng the RTF-Export Filter
> Read with simpleFileAcces  the content of RTF_source.rtf  and  put it in 
> a simple Varchar database field.
>  Put the content of f the VarChar field into a simple text  file with 
> rtf extension
> insert the text.rtf into the OO- doc using the RTF- ImportFilter
> any ideas for shortening this process ?

Busy currently, so very brief:

Use doc.StoreToUrl() using a stream as target and connect that stream
object to the db field (on a prepared statement get/setBinaryStream()

I'm sure Frank can help with the details of connecting a stream to a
database column ...


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