
Recently Frank posted up a pool of 'Next Features' possible for Base, among which was this entry:

export the complete database/application

    * as web application
    * as JavaFX application

First thought was - "Where is Mono?"...LOL...

OK - seriously speaking now.

"What exactly is JavaFX anyway?"
-and then-
"Just how might that work?"

Which brings this email to:

"Free" 15-Week JavaFX Programming (with Passion!) Online Course <>
Taught by Sang Sin and Jim Weaver -

The class kicks off on Jan 30th (3 days hence in other words)

Anyway - I am taking the full class, with my eye towards that LITTLE 'Next Feature Pool' idea and hoping to answer (partially at least) those two questions for myself. So - was thinking that it would be a better experience with some like minded company.

If anyone is interested, sign up, grab a copy of NetBeans 6.5 if you don't have one and I'll see you in class!

Best wishes,


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