Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:
HI Drew,

It appears that when a database document is opened for editing via the Beamer macro execution is disabled.
I was wrong in my diagnosis of the problem...

Cannot reproduce:
What is it you do differently?

[I have macro security set to Very High and my test file stored in a trusted directory.]

The problem is when there are macros assigned to database document events.

For instance:

A file with the events "Open Document", "Activate Document" and "loaded a sub-component" assigned to macros via the Tools>Customize dialog.

If the file is registered as a data source and then the "Edit Database File" context menu is used from the Beamer none of the macros will be active.

Why? (I thought macro execution was disabled...but that's not it)

If you go to Tools>Customize and check the Events tab of the dialog, on the file opened from the beamer, you will see that all the assignments have been lost.

Close the database document and open again with File>Open and the assignments are back.

NOTE - if you open the file from the beamer make a change and save the file then the assignments are lost for good.

OK - so *good* news is...this problem of the assignments disappearing has been a sporadic problem over the last couple of weeks and I have been trying to find a way to 'force' it so that I could open an issue...guess I have one now.

*Bad* news is...the problem happens other times also, not just when the beamer is in play, but hopefully they all have the same root cause.

*Worse* news... there is a new sporadic problem. Wtih the beamer, in a text document's window, still open and after opening the database document for editing via the beamer context menu and after executing Tools>Customize, close the database document. Now open it via File>Open and every now and then (2 out of ~12 times just now) the file will only partially open. There is no text displayed in the Tasks section of the database document window and OO.o freezes up, at whuich point I have to kill the soffice process. I would expect however that a fix for lost event assignments would fix this also...but who knows.

I will open an issue for this 'lost assignments' problem and attach a very small example file. (After I do all this again under Linux to see if there is any difference from what I'm getting here under XP)



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