Good Day all,

First I would thank everyone for their kind remarks to Christoph's email regarding the newly minted co-lead position for the Base QA team.

Thanks very much!

It is my pleasure to have as my first opportunity in this capacity the chance to announce the teams newest member, Zoltan Reizinger.

Zoltan I doubt needs any more introduction on this list that that.

He has been most active in the mailing lists, the user forums and the issue tracking system for a goodly time now and most helpful in each.

Some may not know that Zoltan is also the administrator for the Hungarian language forum at and has been since it's inception.

Zoltan, let me be the first to say welcome to the team.

It has been my pleasure to work with you on the forums and in all our exchanges.

I am looking forward to continuing our joint endeavors.



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