On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 14:44 -0400, Terrence Enger wrote:

> This silly question 

Yes, it was silly.  I was confusing two different variables.  Please
accept my apology for the noise on the list.

New morning, fresh pot of coffee.  I hope for better results.

> arises because I am looking at issue 94543
> <http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=94543>.
> I observe in my attachement
> <http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/68434/example_DEV300_m75.ods>
> that the value
>     1990-03-02 08:30:00.1000000 
> is being shown as
>     1990-03-02 08:39:54
> I observe further that the fraction of a second comes from
> SQLGetData() as 10,000,000 nanoseconds, and that (100000000 * 1000)
> modulo 65536 is 59392, and that 59392 centiseconds is the error in the
> displayed value.

I still think that that observation is correct, and I can even point to
OResultSet.cxx line 657.  Going off now to test my google skills on the
definition of TIMESTAMP_STRUCT.fraction.


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