
I am trying to dig a little deeper into the first of the assertions
"bookmark not found", for which I created issue 112706
<>.  Here are
some observations from a non-product build of DEV300_m83.

Several levels of the call stack seem to be trying to position to the
beginning of the result set.  At least that is my naive conclusion
from things like "absolute" in function names and parameter
_eCursorPosition and from parameters row and _nOffset with value 1.

When we get to backtrace frame 17, there is still "absolute" in the
function name ( connectivity::OSkipDeletedSet::moveAbsolute, source
file connectivity/source/commontools/TSkipDeletedSet.cxx line 217 ).
Within that function, line 178 reads

    if((sal_Int32)m_aBookmarksPositions.size() < nNewPos )

, and size() returns 1.  The function concludes that the bookmark is
already known and calls connectivity::odbc::OResultSet::move
(connectivity/source/driver/odbcbase/OresultSet.cxx) with second
parameter, _eCursorPosition, connectivity::IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK.

OResultSet::move fails to find a matching bookmark (after 0
interations through the loop starting at line 1600) and raises the

Eventually, my query displays 0 rows, contrary to my expectations.

Is there anything I, a relative newbie, can do usefully here to help?


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