
On 11.01.2011 14:53, Reizinger Zoltán wrote:
Hi all,

More than year ago Frank collected ideas about Base further development,
he put the list of ideas into wiki page:

Not so much happened from that time with this list, for example MySQL
native driver was developed, charts integrated into reports, due to the
limited resources.
The developers time allowed working mostly only on the bugfixes.

On Featues wiki page only new features for OOo 3.4 is the HSQLDB 2.0

My question is that:
Any other feature could be added to OOo Base in 3.4 or 3.x versions?
Or project will work only on bugfixes, due to resources constraints?

There are many features which come to my mind which should/could be implemented. And with limited count of developers (volunteers are always welcome) the features which are implemented may be small.
May be Base isn't that attractive for developers as other apps. :-(
On the other side we have many features which need some more polish and some pimping before starting new ones. It's difficult to go the fine line between feature and polish to get the best for users.

- oj

PS: Somebody (volunteering) interested in developing Java for wizards in Base (e.g. Form, Query, Table or Report)?


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