Hello Zoltán,

> Two other options,  "Columnar Labels on Top", and  "Columnar Labels 
> Left" inserts some controls into the form, in way that the controls 
> placed wrongly, not fully within the form, hang out, the field starts in 
> page, but ends out of the page.
> When investigated further I found changes in form final format, until 
> now the form wizard created forms in web layout, now the form created in 
> print layout, and consequently the the above two settings  creates form 
> in weblayout and places correctly within their limits, but the form 
> saved in print layout, and some controls hangs out.
> In the earlier versions until 3.3 I could switch between print/web 
> layout in data input mode, now this is impossible and form stays in 
> print mode, which is not wrong.
> users prints forms as reports very often, and usage of web layout in 
> past caused misunderstanding.
> I have no earlier information about this change, i think no others have 
> this info.
> My question is that, reopen this bug to fix two other settings in print 
> layout, or submit a new bug.
> Or this default form layout change was unintentional?

To me it looks as if the online layout broke somehow. Normally, Base, at
least when opening a form in edit mode, explicitly switches the document
view to Web Layout. That was considered a feature so far, not a bug :)

This does not seem to work in m103: Initially, forms come up in Print
Layout, then you can toggle the mode between Print Layout and Web
Layout, and the next form opens in the same mode in which you closed
your last form.

Now known as http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=117545.

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