Hi Rohit,

> I am trying to register the library (.so) file for the example skeleton
> sdbc driver using "regcomp" tool into the services.rdb file. When I try
> to register the shared library in "connection/unxlngi6.pro/lib

I suppose you mean "connectivity/unxlngi6.pro/lib" here, i.e. the local
output tree of the "connectivity" module?

> <http://unxlngi6.pro/lib>" directory it fails giving
> "CannotRegisterImplementationException" exception.
> However during the build process this library is copied into
> 'solver//330/unxlngi6.pro <http://unxlngi6.pro>" directory and when I
> try to register this file it succeeds !
> Could anyone tell me what changes happen to the library files during
> build process when they are copied into the solver directory?

I suppose this is a LD_LIBRARY_PATH problem: your library is probably
linked against other libraries from URE (the UNO runtime environment),
which, in a complete build, also reside in $SOLVER/330/unxlngi6.pro/lib.
So, if your library resides there, too, and your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
contains ".", then loading the lib succeeds. Loading the lib in the
local output tree doesn't succeed, since the loader doesn't find the URE
libs there.

To verify this, try "ldd <lib_name>" to see which libs your actual lib
needs, and whether the loader finds them.

> My problem is that the my sdbc driver library is supposed to implement
> com.sun.star.sdbc.Driver service but when I register it from solver it
> is implementing some strange services like 
> "com.sun.star.comp.svl.PathService" and
> "com.sun.star.uno.util.numbers.SvNumberFormatterServiceObject" hence I
> am wondering if something is changing the library during the build process.

This means that you don't export the proper symbols from your library,
which most probably means your map file is wrong. Look into an other
driver's makefile.mk, search for a directive referring to a file
component.map, and copy this for your driver.

Background: since your driver doesn't export the necessary "component_*"
functions, which are looked by by the UNO component registration
process, those functions are taken from another (random) library which
your actual library links to. And those other functions, in your case
obviously originating from the libsvl* library, write their very UNO
component information.

Note that what you're doing is a component with so-called active
registration, which is deprecated. Passive registration is to be
preferred nowadays, it means that instead of adding (active) code to
your library which describes the UNO components it exports, you place an
XML file near your lib, and describe the components therein. See
for details.

This completely avoids the regcomp stuff, though at the moment, I am not
sure how to integrate those passive registration into the
build/deployment process. I think you can learn from other modules here,
too - VCL comes to mind, look into vcl/util/vcl.component, and how it is


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