The first moment I heard "DeltaSpike", I thought "sudden change", "a rush of changes" (a spike in the number of deltas). "Delta" as in a difference, or a change, and "spike" as in "a sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something".

Just my 0.02$.

On 19.5.2014 12:07, Pete Muir wrote:
Hi all,

I’ve managed to secure some design time from one of Red Hat’s design 
contractors, Jim Parenti (based in Chicago, so expect him to respond from that 
timezone :-).

I’ve pointed him at and he immediately asked me 
"Aside from the description shown on that sample page, is there some background 
available on where the name comes from?” - so we wanted to open it up to the full 
group to start getting input.

I think any other ideas or thoughts you may have about logos will also be 
gratefully received!

Please make sure you keep Jim in the cc when you respond, as he isn’t on the 
DeltaSpike mailing list (Gerhard is going to make sure his mails get through to 
the list).


Ron Smeral
JBoss Quality Engineer

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