I saw the announcement but it barely provide any detail for a 1.0 announcement :)

I like to provide context, background, download and other relevant details in my blog. Guess will scavenge that information myself.


On 6/20/14, 3:28 PM, Gerhard Petracek wrote:
hi arun,

as a first and easy step everybody is very welcome to retweet our announcements - esp. about v1 (see [1]).


[1] https://twitter.com/DeltaSpikeTeam/status/479174218131972096

2014-06-21 0:13 GMT+02:00 Arun Gupta <arungu...@redhat.com <mailto:arungu...@redhat.com>>:

    Any suggestions on this ?


    On 6/18/14, 9:08 AM, Pete Muir wrote:

        Hi all,

        Now that we have released DeltaSpike 1.0, we have a great
        opportunity to tell the world about DeltaSpike.

        Arun Gupta (Director of Developer Advocacy at Red Hat) has
        volunteered to help us with ways to do this.

        Hopefully we can use this thread to start devising a plan.

        As a starting point, I know Arun was looking for an overview
        of 1.0, so he can see what to blog and tweet about. I had a
        quick look around, but I couldn’t find anything like this.


-- http://blog.arungupta.me


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