Maybe it's a silly question: Does all Apache project needs to use Apache CMS ?

Em 8/4/14, 13:51, John D. Ament escreveu:
There may be some issues here. For one, does anyone know if the apache CMS can work in the proposed format? I believe it's a requirement currently to separate them.

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Rafael Benevides < <>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    As you may known, Red Hat docs team was called to help on
    DeltaSpike docs. After a long period, they have analyzed the
    documentation and bring us an awesome plan that is available here:

    The document is opened for comments.

    Something that was also discussed not only inside Red Hat but with
    some community members is about the format and source of the
    documentation. I strongly believe that we should have the
    documentation somewhere else but the DS site source. It could
    improve the ease to the community to contribute with it. Having
    said that, it's also suggested that we should use asciidoc as
    documentation format.

    So what we have until now ?

    - The documentation plan to be reviewed and approved by the DS
    community. Then we can talk about the plans to make it happen.
    - The documentation location: Recommendation to be out of the site
    - The documentation format: Suggested to use asciidoc.

    Please, read the plan and lets discuss about these 3 topics

    Michelle Murray (whose team provided the plan and she is copied on
    this Thread) can follow the feedback.
    *Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer*
    JBoss Developer
    M: +55-61-9269-6576 <tel:%2B55-61-9269-6576>

    Red Hat

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