Hi all,

Suppose one has an entity class hierarchy, such as when moving auditing
fields into a mapped superclass.

public abstract class Auditable implements Serializable {

  private Date created;

  private Date modified;

  // getters, setters


public class Item extends Auditable {

  private Long id;
  private String name;

  // getters, setters


Then an metamodel processor would generate the following metamodel classes:

public abstract class Auditable_ {

public static volatile SingularAttribute<Auditable, Date> created;
 public static volatile SingularAttribute<Auditable, Date> modified;


public abstract class Item_ extends
com.mobilabsolutions.nappkin.web.dto.Auditable_ {

public static volatile SingularAttribute<Item, Long> id;
        public static volatile SingularAttribute<Item, String> name;


For the sake of completeness, here's the repository declaration with
criteria support:

public interface ItemRepository extends EntityRepository<Item, Long>,
    CriteriaSupport<Item> {


Then, if one wants to do the following:

private ItemRepository itemRepository;

public void someMethod() {

the source won't compile, because the declaration of the attribute() method
in CriteriaSupport:

public interface CriteriaSupport<E>

     * Create a query selection for an Entity attribute.
     * @param attribute Attribute to show up in the result selection
     * @return          {@link QuerySelection} part of a {@link
Criteria#select(Class, QuerySelection...)} call.
    <X> QuerySelection<E, X> attribute(SingularAttribute<E, X> attribute);



Wouldn't it make sense (and possible?) to change it to:

<X> QuerySelection<E, X> attribute(SingularAttribute<? super E, X>

The mapped superclass doesn't have to have anything to do with auditing,
but that's the example that came to mind.

Best regards,

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