
On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 4:09 AM Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de> wrote:

> Hi!
> I’d like to call a VOTE for the release of DeltasSpike-1.3.0
> The staging repo is:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/
> orgapachedeltaspike-1020/
> The tag is available here:
> https://github.com/struberg/deltaspike/tree/deltaspike-root-1.3.0
> This will get pushed to the ASF repo once the VOTE succeeded.
> The source release is available here:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/
> orgapachedeltaspike-1020/org/apache/deltaspike/deltaspike-
> root/1.3.0/deltaspike-root-1.3.0-source-release.zip
> sha1: 62a9a425c7314811b56f55e3586ff66ce7fe383c
> You can find my key in GIT.
> Guide to testing:
> Add the following to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:
>     <profile>
>       <id>staging</id>
>       <repositories>
>         <repository>
>           <id>apache_staging</id>
>           <url>https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/
> orgapachedeltaspike-1020/</url>
>           <releases><enabled>true</enabled></releases>
>           <snapshots><enabled>false</enabled></snapshots>
>         </repository>
>       </repositories>
>     </profile>
> Then upgrade your project to 1.3.0 and build with mvn -Pstaging.
> Please VOTE:
> [+1] ship it
> [+0] meh, don’t care
> [-1] stop, there is a problem, ${errorcause}
> The VOTE is open for 72h.
> LieGrue,
> your Apache DeltaSpike Team

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