Hi folks!

For the new DS-1.9 feature to 'push' config changes we need an algorithm to 
detect whether an old and a new config differs.

The signature would be something like:

 * A Set of all the attributes which differ between the old and new config Map. 
An empty Set if there is no difference.
public Set<String> diffConfig(Map<String, String> oldValues, Map<String, 
String> newValues)

This is intended for e.g. background threads which read from a database once 
per second and compare the old values with the new ones.
If there was any difference then the set of attributes get reported back to the 
Config (which in turn clears the caches, etc).

Now where to put this method?

My candidate would be 
I do not want to put it into the Config interface itself because it is not a 
user contract thingy.
And I also do not want to put it into ConfigResolver becasue I'd like to have 
the impl only available internally and not bloat the ConfigResolver any further.



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