Trying out Eclipse; SVN plugin dependencies
Seems like the Apache Directory developers are using Eclipse as their development environment. After browsing around their Wiki a little bit I decided to compile the current SVN content and check it out further.
They have some instructions in their Wiki for Eclipse users. So I wanted to give Eclipse a try as well. I am currently using Netbeans and had always avoided switching to another IDE. It distracts too much.
So... I went ahead following the instructions. Apache Directory compiled ok. Then I downloaded the Mac OS X version of Eclipse, did all the updates the instructions told me and... We've got a Problem!
The SVN plugin cannot open its property page due to class loading problem with some UI class. Looking at shell level at the plugin configuration yield nothing. Too much new stuff. But the instructions show a screen shot of the SVN preferences page. There are two SVN interfaces: Javahl (JNI) and SVN command line. Maybe there is some connection I asked myself.
Then I installed the Java Subversion Client Library and suddenly the SVN plugin preferences page can be opened. There is a hidden dependency.
Should we add the above info to IdeHome ?