That all makes perfect sense, it's what I kind of figured was the case ;-)  Thanks for clarifying, I'll stick with 1.0-trunks for the time being.  Thanks again for all your help!

From: Emmanuel Lecharny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:24 AM
To: Apache Directory Developers List
Subject: Re: New schema-archetype maven project

Trunks is for 1.1 version.

1.0-trunks is for 1.0 version.

We use it to create release candidate until we deliver 1.0.

1.0-RC4 will be out - hopefully - this week.

As we have already released 1.0-RC3 , we need to work in a branch instead of a trunk, but as we are also working on 1.1 in parallel, this is why we do have 1.1 in trunks. Confusing, isn't it ? ;)

Right now, I think the best is to use 1.0-trunks for your needs. All modification made in 1.0-trunks are ported to 1.1 - so in trunks.

If you can wait a few days, then take a chance to grap 1.0-RC4. We are close to deliver it.


On 8/29/06, Craig L. Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Great, that appears to have done it for me, thanks!  BTW, what is the difference between trunks and 1.0-trunks?  Is there one you'd prefer I use?

From: Emmanuel Lecharny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:50 AM

To: Apache Directory Developers List
Subject: Re: New schema-archetype maven project


try that :
svn up
cd apacheds/sar-plugin
mvn clean
mvn install
cd ../..
mvn clean
mvn install

It may work.

If it does not, just mail again, I have another solution.

Sorry about the maven breakage... We are not totally accountable for it :)


On 8/29/06, Craig L. Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, what's the scoop on this?  I did a svn up this morning and still get
the broken apacheds-sar-plugin dependency.  Should that have been fixed?
I'm trying both 'trunks' and '1.0-trunks'.  Thanks for any help!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norbet Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 6:28 PM
> To: Apache Directory Developers List
> Subject: Re: New schema-archetype maven project
> On another (possibly irrelevant) tangent, I saw another
> posting after googling that implied that:
>     <pluginRepository>
>       <id>snapshots</id>
>       <name>snapshot plugins</name>
>       <url></url>
>     </pluginRepository>
> had been put into semi-retirement and that:
>  <pluginRepository>
>       <id> codehaus.snapshots</id>
>       <name>codehaus snapshot plugins</name>
>       <url></url>
>     </pluginRepository>
> was a better choice. Just adding the latter to repository
> list in the top-level POM worked for me.
> Have to agree with much of the <RANT> tho', maven seems to
> have to much power at the cost of too little control for my
> liking. Every time you do a build you have to sit there with
> sweaty palms and crossed fingers, which ain't how it's
> supposed to be...

Emmanuel Lécharny

Emmanuel Lécharny

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