Apache Directory Server 1.5.5 released !

The Apache Directory team is proud to announce that the long expected
1.5.5 version has been released yesterday.

Downloads are available at

What's new ?

- More than 62 bugs have been fixed.
- We switched to MINA 2.0.0-M6
- entryUUID and entryCSN are now injected for every new entry
- huge search requests don't eat all the memory
- Addition of a Client-API (eliminary work)
- Jetty has been integrated into the server
- Addition of a Journal
- The server.xml file has been modified

Change in Server.xml

<defaultDirectoryService...> takes some new attributes :
 - replicaId (an integer) OPTIONAL
 - maxPDUSize (an integer, the maximum number of bytes a incoming
message can be) OPTIONAL

<interceptors> :
 - the <referralInterceptor/> bean must be present

servers : the configuration has changed for all the servers
(changePasswordServer, kdcServer,
ntpServer, dnsServer. They all take a <transports> set of transports,
instead of sharing some
SocketAcceptor/DatagramAcceptor. For instance :

 <kdcServer ipPort="60088">

becomes :

     <tcpTransport port="8053"/>
     <udpTransport port="8053"/>

The <LdapService> bean has been renamed <LdapServer>, to have a
consistent naming scheme.

<LdapServer> supports both the LDAP and LDAPS protocols, the transports
are used to define
LDAPS if needed. :

     <tcpTransport address="" port="10389" nbThreads="8"
backLog="50" enableSSL="false"/>
     <tcpTransport address="localhost" port="10686" enableSSL="true"/>

The second transport is used for SSL

<ApacheDS> bean does not contain a reference to a directory service
anymore, each server which
need to rely on such a service will refer it into its own configuration.



   * [DIRSERVER-644] - Memory Leak in Persistent search ?
   * [DIRSERVER-776] - entryUUID only created when entries are added
with Mitosis enabled
   * [DIRSERVER-1106] - Hot partition removal leaves server in
inconsistent state (removal is buggy)
   * [DIRSERVER-1139] - Loop detected on ldapcompare
   * [DIRSERVER-1157] - Deleting Alias entry failure
   * [DIRSERVER-1161] - search results are not streamed to the client
until final done response is queued
   * [DIRSERVER-1181] - Too many results when using searchfilter with
escaped asterisks \2A
   * [DIRSERVER-1199] - Improperly named/missing getter/setter for
Registries SchemaLoader
   * [DIRSERVER-1201] - Interceptors not working (XBean)
   * [DIRSERVER-1226] - Search request causing schema exception on
apacheHierarchy attribute type which was probably renamed
   * [DIRSERVER-1231] - Some operation can't be reverted with a single
reverseLdif element
   * [DIRSERVER-1250] - An error (noSuchObject - code32) should be
raised when trying to delete an entry that does not exist
   * [DIRSERVER-1253] - An error is shown in the log at the first start
up of ApacheDS 1.5.4
   * [DIRSERVER-1254] - An error and a warning are shown in the log
when accessing the RootDSE
   * [DIRSERVER-1255] - unit tests fail on windows (jdbm-store and
   * [DIRSERVER-1256] - bad # hex escape in RDN doesn't throw
   * [DIRSERVER-1258] - memory leak (outstanding requests) in SearchHandler
   * [DIRSERVER-1266] - The new referal handling generate 2 lookup
instead of one for every search request
   * [DIRSERVER-1267] - Searching for a non existing entry now end with
NPE inside the server
   * [DIRSERVER-1269] - Lowercased attributes after modify-replace
   * [DIRSERVER-1272] - The Core API does not handle referrals
   * [DIRSERVER-1276] - unescaping binary string corrupts values
   * [DIRSERVER-1278] - Error while trying to create new partition
   * [DIRSERVER-1279] - kerberos test failing on IBM JDK
   * [DIRSERVER-1283] - installers/apacheds-noarch no longer builds
   * [DIRSERVER-1287] - Substring search with special chars not working
   * [DIRSERVER-1289] - NTP/KDC not starting
   * [DIRSERVER-1292] - Enabling NIS schema causes core-integ unit test
to NPE
   * [DIRSERVER-1296] - integer attribute types are not compared correctly
   * [DIRSERVER-1300] - Only adding from LDIF is possible with
injectEntries() in IntegrationUtils
   * [DIRSERVER-1303] - The documentation should mention that
@ApplyLdifFiles annotation is unused
   * [DIRSERVER-1304] - Searching for a Telephone number don't work
   * [DIRSERVER-1306] - Searching an attribute which is a DN ends with
a 80 Ldap error (Other)
   * [DIRSERVER-1308] - Can't delete objectClass with mandatory attribute
   * [DIRSERVER-1311] - Entry with an escaped comma in DN not found in
searches with some filters
   * [DIRSERVER-1313] - Potential NPEs while loading LDIFs in unit tests
   * [DIRSERVER-1316] - apacheds.bat in noarch installer causes
NoClassDefFoundError on Windows
   * [DIRSERVER-1317] - Apache Studio ldif export
   * [DIRSERVER-1318] - Binary installer does not allow installation
with a simple user
   * [DIRSERVER-1324] - In default configuration not possible to
connect via LDAP and LDAPS from computers other than the one the server
has been started from
   * [DIRSERVER-1326] - Unable to search on a custom attribute of type
directory string unless I've set a matching rule
   * [DIRSERVER-1333] - Server is unable to handle valid 'not' filter
   * [DIRSERVER-1335] - The windows installer produce errors
   * [DIRSERVER-1343] - Replacing indexed attribute always grows JDBM
   * [DIRSERVER-1344] - DefaultPartitionNexus tries to add the system
context entry every time the server is started
   * [DIRSERVER-1347] - escaping french accents in filter
   * [DIRSERVER-1348] - Core Integ tests are badly failing on Windows
due to the inability to remove the 'server-work' folder
   * [DIRSERVER-1352] - Infinite Loop when deleting an alias with
suffix size > 1
   * [DIRSERVER-1356] - KeyDerivationServiceIT class fails with an IBM JDK
   * [DIRSERVER-1365] - Modification on the current init script (at
least version 1.5.4) placed under /etc/init.d
   * [DIRSERVER-1366] - Delete take forever when having a lot of entries
   * [DIRSERVER-1367] - Protocol error when requesting attribute with
the space character only
   * [DIRSERVER-1368] - Using Extended Objectclass fails
   * [DIRSERVER-1369] - Concurrent bind and unbind of objects puts ADS
in an inconsistent (unusable) state.
   * [DIRSERVER-1376] - sublevel index grows without limit
   * [DIRSERVER-1377] - Potential concurrency issue when
adding/modifying/deleting entries at a high rate
   * [DIRSERVER-1379] - ou=system shows multiple time in ldapsearch
with different createTimestamps
   * [DIRSERVER-1381] - problem using apacheds-tools.jar :
ClassCastException during import
   * [DIRSERVER-1383] - There is a confusion between Anonymous access
and Access to rootDSE
   * [DIRSERVER-1384] - Abandonned requests are not abandonned...
   * [DIRSERVER-1391] - filter "(attr=*+*)" causes infinite loop
   * [DIRSERVER-1397] - Removal of an non existing value from an
attribute does not generate an error
   * [DIRSHARED-31] - LdapDN.endsWith(javax.naming.Name) fails for


   * [DIRSERVER-639] - allow to run ldaps only
   * [DIRSERVER-649] - transport explanations in NamingExceptions why
searches fail back to the client
   * [DIRSERVER-666] - Wrap LDIF generated String every 80 characters
   * [DIRSERVER-785] - When searching the directory with broken search
expressions the search never returns (infinite loop)
   * [DIRSERVER-1048] - Need to improve LDIF load procedures
   * [DIRSERVER-1122] - Limit the number of messages sent but not yet
   * [DIRSERVER-1165] - Adding some logs when the server has started
   * [DIRSERVER-1247] - removing unrequired escaping in DNs / filters
   * [DIRSERVER-1251] - Update the dependencies to the latest version
   * [DIRSERVER-1257] - some additional unit tests re MODIFY requests
   * [DIRSERVER-1274] - spelling typo
   * [DIRSERVER-1280] - make server connection backlog configurable
   * [DIRSERVER-1288] - put apacheds-server-unit-1.5.4.jar dependencies
into Manifest
   * [DIRSERVER-1297] - Create default index on some attributeTypes
like ObjectClass, ...
   * [DIRSERVER-1298] - Use AT names instead of OIDs for the indexed
   * [DIRSERVER-1320] - Vestigial attribute workingDirectory in
directoryService configuration may no longer be needed
   * [DIRSERVER-1332] - Create apacheds-all OSGi bundle
   * [DIRSERVER-1334] - Create module for OSGi bundle
   * [DIRSERVER-1374] - Use JUnit 4.5 for integration testing framework
   * [DIRSERVER-1375] - Support variable length salts for SSHA and SMD5
   * [DIRSERVER-1386] - Get rid of the MANIFEST.MF file of the
server-tools project
   * [DIRSHARED-23] - Organize schema description parsers and value objects

New Feature

   * [DIRSERVER-1260] - Add a protection agains DoS attacks
   * [DIRSERVER-1262] - Add a Jetty container


   * [DIRSERVER-811] - Make schema bootstrap code disregard deleted entries
   * [DIRSERVER-882] - Adding a tool to convert Schema files to Ldif Files
   * [DIRSERVER-1218] - Investigate the altered lookup() (returns empty
entries) does not cause issues
   * [DIRSERVER-1329] - Fix expression vs default-value in maven plugins
   * [DIRSERVER-1337] - Add system level indexes for objectClass,
entryCSN and entryUUID attributes
   * [DIRSERVER-1372] - Switch to MINA-2.0.0-M6 asap


   * [DIRSERVER-1238] - Move to MINA 2.0 where we can make a bigger
impact with the networking code
   * [DIRSHARED-32] - Create Antlr based DN parser

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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