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On 2/20/10 12:37 PM, Ashish wrote:
 expressions are a mix of :-) nd :-(

 Next time just let me know when you folks plan a debugging marathon :-)
 May be we can use some screen-sharing tool and I can also participate
 means listen :-)

 It would have been a good learning.

The reason I wrote this long mail was to be able to summup what we saw
so that everyone on the ML can benefit from this session. I don't know
about tools that allows many people to share a common env (I mean, tools
that work), but if we have one, we could organize such debugging session.

In this very case, we didn't planned to do such a debugging session,
Julien just called me the day before that he will be in Paris for the
evening. Usually, we go to a restaurant, have a couple of beers and wine
plus good food, and we brag about people on the project, about
politicians, about girls, about other coders and share our opinion hat
we are the only good coders on earth ;) We decided that may be it would
be better to have a pizza and discuss about MINA 2 and 3 face to face,
instead of having good time outside, and it was really a good session.

That's what ApacheCon are good for : F2F meetings are good for sharing
feelings about the code. But it's only twice a year ...

In any case, ML remains the place where discussions about the project
should be done, and when we discuss either F2F or on IRC/IM, these
discussions should be reflected on the ML. It's all about community !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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