On 5/11/10 11:53 AM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Alex Karasulu<akaras...@apache.org>wrote:
Hi Emmanuel,
I modified a test and the JdbmTable implementation to expose exactly which
data structure is being used and make sure the switch occurs at the
appropriate time. The tests really were not testing this properly but now
we know for sure. The switch over is occurring as expected:
Yeah, I realized that.
I have done some more tests, and it appears that when creating a
JdbmTable with a numDuplicate of 512, and inserting 100 000 elements
into it, the time needed to inject elements is growing linearly (ie, it
takes 0,19 milliseconds for the 10 000th elemnt and the 100 000th).
Now this is actually a worse situation for us because we know the switch
over is working but the perf is still an issue. We must now investigate
why. I'd rather have had a regression to deal with quite frankly. Let's work
together to figure out where our add performance issues lye.
I first eliminated the client as the potential source of the problem.
Using JNDI, we get the exact same problem.
I also tried to modify the numDupLimit, to set it to 0, and it does not
make a difference. Hwever, this is an interesting information : the
higher this value, the slower the server will be. To some extent, it's
probably better to set the numDupLimit to 0 ;)
I will try to profile the application now, to see where we are
consumming time.
Emmanuel Lécharny