Stefan Seelmann wrote:
> Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have added some description about each and every component to make
>> the diagram descriptive. Please add your suggestions and modifications
>> need to  added to this. It can be found in the same link [1] below.
>> [1] - 
> Looks very great!
> I'm not sure if it is necessary to distinguish between "Apache Directory
> Studio" and "Eclipse". The LDAP Persistence Tooling makes only sense
> when the Studio plugins are installed within the Eclipse IDE.
> For the Code Generator you should use a template engine because I think
> it allows great flexibility.
> The Schema Creator part is a bit unclear. What do you mean with the
> second bullet "Directly using the API"?
> I think it's time to make your hands dirty  :-) . You already mentioned in
> IRC that you'd like to start with path A, that's great. I'd recommend to
> create a first prototype:
> - Create an new UI plugin that adds a new menu item to the LDAP Browser
> context menu used to select an entry and to call the analyzer
> - Create a simple version of "LDAP entry and schema Analyzer" that just
> extracts the structural object class from the entry and all user
> attributes from the schema
> - Select a template engine for the code generator
> - Create a simple template that just generates a Java class named like
> the structural object class (capitalize the first letter) and with
> attributes (type Object) for all user attributes. No DAO yet.
> So for example, when selecting an inetOrgPerson" entry the generated
> Java class looks like this:
> public InetOrgPerson
> {
>     private Object objectClass
>     private Object cn;
>     private Object givenName;
>     private Object telephoneNumber;
>     ....
> }
> I think it is important to get some working code very early. Then it is
> much easier to discuss improvements and to add new features.

Just fyi: I created the initial project structure and maven project, see

Kind Regards,


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