Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
> Hi guys,
> this module is broken since, pfeww, september 11 2008 (what a
> coincidence ! Bad things always happen on 11/09...)
> The question is : should we keep going and fix this module or should we
> move it to the deceased projects ? A thrd option would be to make this
> module a separate project we can release separately from ADS 2.0.
> Wdyt is the best ?

I think we need to provide some CLI tools for administrating the server.
 At least we need a tool to re-build the index and to backup and restore
the data in LDIF format including all operational attributes. Similar to
OpenLDAP's slapindex, slapcat, and slapadd.

IMO the problem with the current tools is that they are dedicated to
JDBM partitions and directly works on the *.db files.

Instead I think we should build those tools into the partition
implementation. We could extend the Partition interface with some new
  void buildIndex();
  void backup( File/URL toFile );
  void restore( File/URL fromFile );
and define extended operations to trigger those methods. The extended
operations could be invoked from within Studio or from a new CLI tool.

Of course, the problem is (as always) time.

Kind Regards,

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