Hi Dev,

I successfully integrated the newly introduced ApacheDS Configuration Reader 
(with all configuration beans) in the ApacheDS 2.0 Configuration Editor for 
Apache Directory Studio.
The UI is not completely finished yet, but I can already load a configuration 
from an LDIF file and I have access to the values of each bean. It's working 
really great...

Now, that the configuration can be read, it also need to be written, and I 
started working on a Configuration Writer.

In order to achieve this, I'd like to propose the addition of several 
Annotation elements that would be used in the Configuration Beans to help both 
the configuration writer and the reader.
Adding these Annotation elements would help maintaining the reader and writer 
loosely coupled with the beans and would facilitate additions of new 
configuration items (like those needed by Antoine, or others from third parties 

There 3 annotations I'd like to introduce:

- @AttributeType( attributeTypeId )
This annotation is intended to be used on a field of a configuration bean and 
indicates which attribute type id this field is associated with.
I think it's a great addition as we're no longer in need to infer the id of the 
attribute type from the name of the field ( same thing for having to truncate 
the 'ads-' prefix sometimes).
It's clear and easy.
Furthermore, only fields with this annotation should be read and written by the 
configuration reader/writer (which allows the configuration beans to have extra 
fields that are not necessarily read or written).

- @RDN
This annotation is intended to be used on a field of a configuration bean in 
conjunction with the @AttibuteType annotation and indicates that this 
particular field is the one (and only for a given configuration bean) to be 
used in the RDN of the associated entry 

- @Container( containerRdn )
This is intended to be used on a field of a configuration bean and more 
particularly on a field referring to a composite (List, Set, etc.) bean value. 
It indicates where the adding bean entries are to be placed (in which container 
entry) like the 'ou=servers' entry under the defaultDirectoryService entry.

Any thoughts on this?


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