On 12/22/10 1:15 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

I think I already sent a mail a few weeks ago about this matter.

The RFC-3671 stipulates that for collectiveAttributes we have to add the collectiveAttributeSubentries AT in the entry to indicate the subentries which have been leveraged to add some collectiv attributes in the entry. Here is the LDAP syntax for this AT :
attributetype (
    NAME 'collectiveAttributeSubentries'
    EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch
    USAGE directoryOperation

The RFC 4512 defines the subschemaSubentry AT as a way to define the subentry containing the schema this entry will use. Its syntax is :

attributetype( NAME 'subschemaSubentry'
        EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch
        USAGE directoryOperation )

We have also defined two other ATs, the accessControlSubentries and triggerExecutionSubentries which contains a reference to the subentries the entry is selected by.

So if a subentry subtree specification selects an entry, then this entry will have a reference to the subentry. Those values must be returned to the user if requested (as they are Operational Attributes).

The problem is that those AT are DNs, which means that moving a subentry implies we have to modify all the entries pointing to this subentry, a costly operation.

I suggested to replace those DN references by the subentry UUID, which won't change.

For that, we must create 4 more ATs, having an UUID syntax (, it has no associated alias), one per type of subentry.

We will replace the UUID by a DN when returning the entries.
I like better the DNs for clarity. That's just me though. Is it possible also that in some cases the subentry defines its scope (subtreespecification ?) as the containing entry of the subentry ? Would in this case a move of the subentry not automatically trigger a recalculation because the scope of the subentry changes when the move happens ?

thoughts ?


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