On 2/17/11 1:27 PM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny<elecha...@apache.org>  wrote:
On 2/17/11 12:07 PM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
getAncestorOf/getDescendantOf ? Or use getAscendant/getDescendant ?
Yeah getAncestorOf/getDescendantOf sounds like it flows better and
clarifies that we're taking this from the dn the operation is applied
I like it better too. Will rename to use those names.
Well hold on a second with the getDescendantOf operation. I think we
have some outstanding issues with it. Please see my previous post.

I'm not closing the door here. Here is what I suggest : I'll move the API to use those name *for the moment*, in order to get rid of the old getPrefix/getSuffix names, but we can discuss those names further until the RC1. If we find a better name, I'll change them, it's a 5 mins task. I'm *not* considering that as final move, again.

What is important is really to reach a point we all more or less agree, which is not easy, as it's not a technical matter, but much more a mix of many concerns :
- semantic
- ease of use
- language (correct and accurate english)

We should not expect to get the API defintion to be a breeze, I'm not really surprised that such things raise discussions like the one we are having. Frankly, if we were in a room, all of us, it would be exactly the same thing with people thinking this, other thinking that, etc, but nobody would hear about those disagreements outside the room. We are doing that in the open, and even if we don't agree on everything, at then end the result will be the same : we will reach consensus, and we will get something better than any decision made by one single person.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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