On 2/23/11 1:54 PM, Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot wrote:
Hi Dev,

Eclipse is great but it has one major drawback for me (and others too I 
believe), that's it's inability to import the same project twice in the 

Now, by "the same project" I don't mean the exact same project (which would not 
make much sense) but I mean the same project but from various SVN branches (e.g. one 
version from trunk and another from a branch).

Considering that we're now working in two different places ('trunks' and 
'milestones' branches), I would rather have all the projects in a common 
workspace than having two workspaces (one for each branch).

The basic problem is that 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' generates the same project 
names for both branches and that Eclipse only allows one project with a given 
name at a time in the workspace (and I can understand that).

Recently, while looking at the Maven Eclipse plugin documentation I found out 
an interesting configuration option that we could leverage to solve this issue.

I built a specific profile that will be activated if we specify a string we 
want to be appended to the name of the project when creating eclipse 
descriptors using 'mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dappend.to.project.name=[string]'.

Here it is:


Using this profile it is now possible to import the same project twice (and 
more) by providing for example the name of the branch, which will be appended 
to the name of the project.

I'd like to include this new profile in the 'project' pom to be able to reuse 
it across all our projects.


+1. Go for it !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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