Hi Emmanuel,

On 27 sept. 2011, at 15:48, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:

> On 9/27/11 3:10 PM, Kiran Ayyagari wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny<elecha...@gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> yesterday, I tried to cut a small external project, demonstrating how to use
>>> our jars to test LDAP. It was not so easy, as I had to include many jars in
>>> order to have the code working.
>> yeah, had experienced this before (was used to solve it the hard way
>> by gathering the various pom file contents together to make this work)
>> glad to see this being solved
>>> Lately, we modified the apacheds-all pom.xml (not yet committed) to generate
>>> a unique jar with Pierre-Arnaud (the shade plugin was misconfigured) and
>>> now, I'm able to run a standalone test including only those jars :
>>> - junit
>>> - apacheds-core-annotations
>>> - apacheds-core-integ
>>> - apacheds-server-annotations
>>> - apacheds-server-integ
>>> - apacheds-test-framework
>>> - apacheds-all
>>> This is pretty convenient to be able to have all the jars gathered in
>>> apacheds-all, but we need to go a bit farther : the apacheds-test-framework
>>> should also gather the junit, apacheds-core-annotations,
>>> apacheds-core-integ, apacheds-server-annotations and apacheds-server-integ
>>> jars in one single jar. It would make possible to have two jars only to
>>> include when writing a standalone test application.
>>> One other option would be to create two apacheds-all jars :
>>> - the one we currently produce, with all the needed dependencies except the
>>> test ones
>>> - and a apacheds-test-all which includes everything.
>>> What would be the best solution ?
>> I would sugegst we don't include the test modules i,e core-integ and
>> server-integ
>> ideally apacheds-all should contain the testframework, core and server
>> annotation modules
>> (cause they are not tests by themselves) so having apacheds-all jar
>> should let us write and run a
>> test.
> I would rather not include anything related to tests (ie xxx-integ nor 
> test-framework) in apacheds-all, as it's really intended to be used for 
> embedding the server.
>> is there any special reason to include the tests?
> I'd like to provide a simple jar for people who want to write tests for a 
> LDAP server.

Agreed, but I think Kiran refers to the 'core-integ' and 'server-integ' modules 
Like Kiran, I don't think these modules have anything to do with the test 
Maybe we have some utility classes for the test framework in those two modules, 
then we need to move them elsewhere, to a more appropriate place.

My 2 cents,

> -- 
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com

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