On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11/3/11 12:54 PM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Forgive the prepost here: need to report on a off list conversation I just
>> had with Emmanuel. We generated some very nice ideas on these matters. I'm
>> going to be very direct with implementation details rather than being high
>> level and general with these ideas to directly dump the thoughts:
>> (1)  For each intercepted operation (add, delete, modify etc), the server
>> maintains an ordered list of core aspect descriptors out of the box
>> (normalization, access-control, authorization etc) which must be applied
>> in
>> order to an invocation of an intercepted operation.
>> To do this we can have an operation expose aspect ordering:
>> add.getAspects() ... returns order list or array of Aspects like
>> {Normalization, AccessControl, Authorization, ...}.
>> Dynamic configuration should allow us to change this ordered list on the
>> fly to introduce new aspects or remove old ones. Meaning if we like we can
>> define a new logical aspect like craptastic aspect and have it participate
>> in various operation invocations in the order we like it to participate.
>> This is our logical aspect ordering model and exposed as a dynamic
>> configuration point in the server.
>> (2) Each Interceptor must publish one and only one aspect it participates
>> in. The aspect must be in the set of aspects configured in the server via
>> dynamic configuration so we have a list of aspects managed by the server
>> without the need for ordering since ordering is operation specific.
>> normalization
>> craptastic
>> authentication
>> access-control
>> foobar
>> ...
>> Interceptor.getAspect()  should return an aspect within this set, and if
>> it
>> does not then it simply is not considered for injection into the chains
>> created.
>> In the configuration area we also manage operation aspects with order:
>> bind: normalization, authentication
>> add: normalization ....
>> del: ...
>> modify ....
>> ...
>> The user is constrained to only include aspects in the set of supported
>> aspects above. No problem though, the user can add his or her custom
>> aspect
>> to the set, then can start adding that aspect to the operation aspect
>> lists
>> in the configuration. If no interceptor exists to supply functionality for
>> that aspect, no problem it's just not injected during actual physical
>> chain
>> construction time. Once an interceptor appears it can be considered for
>> injection when calculating the interceptor ordering in chains ... see
>> below.
>> This is good for the OSGi model where services (interceptors in this case)
>> can come and go.
>> (3) The server tracks the actual interceptor implementation execution
>> order
>> by calculating this order using these aspects on a per operation basis. If
>> interceptor Foo.getAspect = Normalization and interceptor Bar.getAspect =
>> Authentication, then for bind the interceptor implementation order would
>> be:
>> Foo, Bar
>> The result of this calculation will be dynamically configurable as
>> described above by altering configurations for aspect order per operation.
>> This way we can add new aspects, that have not even been conceived of
>> while
>> creating ApacheDS. Users will have this freedom. And at chain construction
>> time the right implementations will be properly selected and injected in
>> the right order.
>> (3) At session creation time, the server constructs interceptor reference
>> lists with actual references to interceptor instances for each operation.
>> Sessions do not need unique interceptor instances: the interceptors are
>> shared across sessions and chains. The server uses the aspect information
>> from an Interceptor and operation aspect lists to determine this reference
>> list order and construct it.
>> For Bind operation the interceptor reference list would be Foo, Bar as in
>> the example above.
>> Each session has an interceptor reference list calculated for each
>> operation and this is stored within each session.   This way sessions can
>> modify their interceptor reference lists for various operations to have
>> fine grained auditing for example for a single operation in a single
>> connection without impacting all sessions or the entire server.
>> The overhead for managing separate interceptor reference lists for each
>> operation in each session is minimal.
>> (4) The interceptor chain changes character somewhat. It is modified to
>> not
>> be statically hardwired but to use the interceptor reference list of the
>> operation invoked from a session to conduct invocations with the correct
>> interceptor order.
>> I think this can be done without causing inefficiencies. I don't have
>> suggestions on how best we can do this in the code right now.
>> Thoughts? Additions?
> A few additions :
> - the default order should be stored in the config (DIT)

Absolutely. The default aspect set must be in the config out of the box.
The default aspect application orders must also be defined in the config
for all operations.

> - up to a user to modify this order, but then, it's his responsibility.


> - we have to store a aspect <-> interceptor map in the config too (DIT)


Our proposed solution removes the need for this. The aspect an Interceptor
implementation is associated with, is directly queried from the
Interceptor. There is no need for this mapping at all. The mapping is in
the code of the Interceptor. The Interceptor interface needs a getAspect()
method that all interceptors must support.

> - we must get rid of bypasses. They are far too numerous, and probably out
> of control.


I don't know the answer to this myself. We need more discussion for us to
see if this is the case. I think each logical aspect managed in the
configuration should expose not only a direct aspect list for each
operation but also a set of aspects to bypass on re-entrant invocation.

> Here is the list of all the bypasses we are using :
> http://pastebin.com/tYDMvGMZ
Looking ... damn! OK we probably need another thread to clean up this mess
but I don't think we can disregard bypass mechanisms all together. We need
to clean this up, simplify it and get her done. I don't think we can just
scrap bypasses otherwise you'll have incorrect operation and severe levels
of inefficiency.

SNIP ...

Best Regards,
-- Alex

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