Le 3/19/12 7:38 PM, Selcuk AYA a écrit :
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny<elecha...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Le 3/19/12 6:59 PM, Selcuk AYA a écrit :

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny<elecha...@gmail.com>
Le 3/19/12 6:26 PM, Selcuk AYA a écrit :

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny<elecha...@gmail.com>

I have a few questions about the handling of the log buffer.

When we can't write anymore data in the buffer, because it's full, we
flush the buffer on disk. What happens then is :
- if there is enough room remaining in the buffer, we write a skip
(with a -1 length) : is it necessary ? (we then rewind the buffer)
- otherwise, we rewind the buffer

In any case, we increment the writeAheadRewindCount : what for ?

then we call the flush() method, which will be executed only if there
other thread flushing the buffer already (just in case the sync()
called by another thread). I guess this is intended to allow a thread
new data in the buffer while another thread writes the buffer on disk?

So AFAIU, only one thread will be allowed to write data into the
to the point it reaches a record being hold by the flush thread, and
one thread can flush the data, up to the point it reaches the last
can write (which is computed before the flush() method is called).

I'm wondering if we couldn't use a simpler algorithm, where we have a
thread used to flush the data in any case. If the buffer is full, we
writing until we are signaled that there is some room left (and this is
flush thread role to signal the writer that it can start again). That
we write as much as we can, signaling each record to the flush thread,
the flush thread will consume the record when they arrive. If both are
colliding (ie, no more room remains in the buffer, the reader will have
wait for the writer to wake it up). We won't need to use a buffer at
just pass the records (plus their headers and trailers) in  queue,
a copy in a temporary memory.

This is basically doing the same thing, but we don't wait until the
is full to wake up the writer. This is the way the network layer works
NIO, with a selector signaling the writer thread when it's ready to
some more data to be written.
I am confused about the buffering (or no buffering) you suggest. Are
you suggesting a flush thread will use directly write off the user's
buffer without any in mem copy?
Yes. In fact, I suggest we buffer the records, without copying them. When
the flush thread is waken up (or kicked), it will write the header, the
buffer, the  footer. We can use ByteBuffer gathering for that (see
I see.But this is effectively what we are doing right? Instead of
putting the buffers in a queue and doing scatter/gather through byte
buffer(which will eventually do a memcpy to do a single batched write
I think), we copy into an in mem buffer and let the flushing thread to
do the single batched write.
Yes, but you copy the user records into a temporary ByteBuffer, which will
be read and flushed. If you put the user records in a queue, you don't need
this extra copy, plus you don't need to allocate a 4Mb buffer at all. That
does not mean you won't suck those 4 Mb, if the queue is not emptied fast
enough by the flush thread, but in the general case, you just end using less
memory if the flush thread is awakened when some data is present in the

So we want to write to the end of log a batched write using a "single"
IO. What I am saying this wont the java byte buffer implementation
have to internally copy the buffers into a single buffer and do a
single batched write from that buffer?
As soon as the userRecord is already written into a ByteBuffer, there is no need to copy it into another buffer. We simply use a FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer[], offset, length) to write the buffers on disk. Here, the ByteBuffer[] will contain the header, the userRecord and the footer. Internally, the operation will use DirectBuffer, instead of HeapBuffers, and we have no control over the write.

The thing is to avoid doing an extra buffer copy.

Using MemoryMappedFile can also speed up the thing as soon as we can drain the queue faster (as the data will be written in memory instead of being flushed on disk). of course, if the computer does not have enough memory, we will still be slowed down and the queue will grow... There is no black magic here, we can just rely on what Java offers instead of redifining everything.

Also keep in mind that Derby and such other software were written with Java 1.3 in mind. All those MemoryMappedFile and other FileChannel weren't around before Java 1.4, and the base of Derby was alrady written.

One last thing : all those suggestion *must* be evaluated. Until they are compared with something that *works*, we don't have a baseline. What you are currently building will become the base line.

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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