On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> a second mail about index, specifically those related to the manipulation
> of the DN.
> RDN index
> ---------
> First of all, let's present the data structure used for the Rdn index.
> It's not exactly a RDN index, as the key is a composite structure : the
> ParentIdAndRDN (it contains the entry ID of it's parent in the DIT and the
> entry's RDN). More, it's not exactly a RDN that we store, as for the
> partition root, we store the partition DN (which can contain more than one
> RDN).
<speaking-generally-with-pmc-hat-on not-in-response-to="Emmanuel">
These changes are some of the largest changes since the search algorithm
has been designed over 10 years ago and impact one of the more complex
parts of the server.

I am appalled at this not being documented when the changes were made. I
personally took a lot of effort in making sure the documentation was
pretty, informative and allowed new comers and those new to this region of
the code to understand how it worked. Those who made these changes
benefited from my thorough documentation. They need to carry on the
tradition and make sure others after them also benefit, and don't detriment
from it by documenting their changes.

Why is it that others do not feel this way? I can understand straight
forward areas that document themselves well in code alone but people need
to consider new comers that want to get into the more complex code. They
should update these parts of the documentation even if it's not pretty

Also it's no excuse to say we need the 2.0 to stabilize otherwise the docs
will change. Over the past ten years very little has changed in our search
algorithm. So this is not a region of code that we f**k with often since
it's so critical to the servers operation.

Committers making changes to "complex" regions of code should think about
others that come after them to maintain their code. This is just good
community citizenship. Those that don't really don't care about the
community. Being polite is not just about correct speech with words like
sir and madam. It's ones actions considering others.

Sorry Emmanuel this was a bit off topic but it's something we all need to
consider. I will try to respond to your comments later. I'm not immediately
available these days but I will not forget to answer these emails even if
it takes me some time.

Best Regards,
-- Alex

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