On 07.10.2012 17:22, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> Hi Stefan ! Glad to see you around :)
> Le 10/7/12 3:03 PM, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :
>> On 07.10.2012 14:26, elecha...@apache.org wrote:
>>> Author: elecharny
>>> Date: Sun Oct  7 12:26:32 2012
>>> New Revision: 1395286
>>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1395286&view=rev
>>> Log:
>>> Added a sysout to know which test is being processed (it's useful
>>> when running the suite, as the tests are quite long)
>>> Modified:
>>> directory/apacheds/trunk/core-integ/src/test/java/org/apache/directory/server/core/suites/MigratedStockCoreISuite.java
>>> directory/apacheds/trunk/core-integ/src/test/java/org/apache/directory/server/core/suites/StockCoreISuite.java
>> Maybe a dumb question but why not just remove the suites completely?
> What I'm doing currently is to migrate the JNDI suites to use the API
> instead (but keeping the pure JNDI tests just to be sure that we still
> can access to the server using JNDI) to the Migrated suite. Once done,
> I'll remove the StockCoreISuite. But this is a bit orthogonal to your
> question...
> The reason we have the suite is because we can define some suite related
> server, instead of having to declare that for every single class. At
> least, this was the rational. Is it still useful ? That's
> questionable... See later.
>> In pom.xml I replaced the current inclusion of the suites:
>> -                <include>**/*ISuite.java</include>
>> +                <include>**/*IT.java</include>
>> +                <include>**/*Test.java</include>
>> The result:
>> * The build of core-integ does not take longer, rather it is some
>> seconds faster!
>> * 711 tests were run instead of 684 when using the suites, so it seems
>> some test classes are missing in the suite classes.
> Once upon a time, the IT tests were only ran when you use the
> 'integration' profile (thus the -Dintegration parameter in the command
> line).
> I'm not sure this is a good idea to have this flag anymore : all those
> tests are mandatory, and needed to be sure that the server works, and I
> personally always use this flag *before* committing.

> So, IMO, we may make this a default build profile, and run all the tests
> as you declared them (ie the double include).

In fact it is already activated by default. The -Dintegration flag has
no effect, the integration tests run even without that flag.

Looking into the core-integ/pom.xml there are three profiles for tests:
* integration: activated by default, runs the (two) suites
* integration-all-partitions: activated with -Dtest-all-partitions, runs
the suites 3 times with JDBM, AVL, and LDIF partition, fails currently,
not sure if this is useful
* quicktests: activated with -Dquicktest, only runs 9 tests, not at all
useful IMO. Should it be removed?

> I'd like to push it a bit further : do we *really* need the suite system
> at all ? I mean, we want to be able to run one test or another in
> eclipse while debugging, so everything we declare in a suite annotation
> will just be overriden by the annotations we have in each tests : this
> make it doubtful that the suite annotations are useful at all... Not to
> mention that it makes the annotation's handling way more simple if we
> don't have to handle the suites...

I agree.

And I see another problem with suites: It happens that one forgets to
add a new test class ot the @Suite.SuiteClasses list. As surefire is
configured to only run the suites (<include>**/*ISuite.java</include>)
the not added test class won't run. IMO suites are more harmful than useful.

Kind Regards,

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