Le 10/7/12 8:35 PM, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :

I wanted to ask about the documentation system. Some time ago there was
agreement to use version controlled files with wiki synatx that is
transformed to docbook and then further transformed to HTML/PDF. Is this
still the case or did something change? I ask also wrt to the ongoing
migration of the website to the Apache CMS: when using the CMS is it
still possible to add static content (i.e. the generated documentation)
to the website?

The Apache CMS uses markdown, not confluence syntax. That means we will probaby have to switch to markdown for the documentation, too.

The good point is that we will be able to have the documentation be versionned.

So I wonder if it would not be a better idea to stop using confluence for the existig documentation effort, convert it to markdown (there are tools to do that, like http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/)

wdyt ?

Emmanuel Lécharny

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