On 9 janv. 2013, at 12:15, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 1/8/13 3:59 PM, Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot a écrit :
>> Hi guys,
>> While I was writing the UI for the replication consumers configuration, I 
>> came into an interesting issue.
>> I opened a JIRA for it : DIRSERVER-1789 - Changes to an existing replication 
>> consumer may not be taken into account
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DIRSERVER-1789
>> Here's what's happening:
>> 1/ We configure on Server A a replication consumer over Server B, and we 
>> restart Server A for the modifications to take effect.
>> 2/ Replication takes place and an entry is created on Server B under the 
>> branch "ou=consumers, ou=system". This entry corresponds to the replication 
>> consumer of Server A and stores some information about it (like the search 
>> base, referral information, etc.).
>> This information is required because Server B needs to maintain a queue of 
>> modifications to send to the consumer of Server A (especially in the Refresh 
>> Only mode or when a disconnection occurs).
>> 3/ We reconfigure on Server A the replication consumer and change one of its 
>> values (search base, attributes, etc.) and we restart Server A for the 
>> modifications to take effect.
>> 4/ The replication is resumed, but, here's the problem... The configuration 
>> items are not modified on the corresponding entry on Server A under 
>> "ou=consumers, ou=system"...
>> We thought about a solution to this problem with Kiran yesterday and we came 
>> up with two solutions.
>> Solution 1:
>> We need a mechanism to detect any change of replication consumer 
>> configuration at the boot of ApacheDS (probably by holding a copy of each 
>> replication consumer configuration entry somewhere and comparing it to the 
>> current configuration).
>> If a difference is detected, then the server has to reset the replication 
>> consumer and start the replication from scratch.
>> Solution 2:
>> We don't implement a change detection mechanism, but we include a specific 
>> attribute in the entry of the replication consumer to indicate to the server 
>> that it has been updated and should be reset (with a restart of the 
>> replication from scratch).
>> My personal preference is Solution 1, which is a little bit harder to 
>> implement on the server side, but easier to use on the client side.
>> The impact on Server B by these two solutions is exactly the same. A new 
>> entry will be created under "ou=consumers, ou=system" and the previous entry 
>> for the replication consumer will be deleted once we reach the usual timeout.
>> What do you think of these solutions?
>> Which one would you pick?
> This is not simple... At first, I thought that solution 1 was better :
> no need to transmit anything more than what the RFC says, we just detect
> the change when the consumer reconnects. the problem is that we have no
> idea if the consumer is the one which was registred before, unless it
> says so. The transmitted data are the connection itself (IP, port), plus
> the search request. If the config has changed, this is a new replication
> request, and we must delet the old one. Now, how do we determinate if
> the consumer was previously connected and should be deleted ? I don't
> see any way to do that efficiently.
> I'm thinking on a third solution there : we regularly check the
> 'sleeping' registred consumers on the producer, and if they haven't be
> active for more than a determinated period of time, we simply delete
> them (say, after 7 days).
> This way, we don't store many entries for nothing, and we don't need to
> send extra informations.
> Does it sounds reasonnable ?

Actually, that's not really a third solution but a required path to make 
solution 1 or 2 work.

That's exactly what I meant by "and the previous entry for the replication 
consumer will be deleted once we reach the usual timeout."

Kiran and I thought that process was already in place in the server, but it 
turns out it isn't.


> -- 
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com 

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