Le 10/29/13 11:56 PM, Stefan Seelmann a écrit :
>> Please cast your votes:
>> [X] +1 Release Mavibot 1.0.0-M2
>> [ ] 0 abstain
>> [ ] -1 Do not release Mavibot 1.0.0-M2
> Just a small note, the index.html of the packaged xref docs are broken,
> I'll have a look into it next weekend.

Ahha... The packge is probably built before we run the mvn site command,
and as a result, we don't have the correct index.html in the package.

We can fix that for the next release.

OTOH, I checked that the generated javadoc and xref is correct after mvn
site. We probably have to fix the distribution module.

Thanks for the report, Stefan.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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