Le 12/27/13 5:58 PM, Marc Boorshtein a écrit :
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny 
> <elecha...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Le 12/27/13 5:28 PM, Marc Boorshtein a écrit :
>>> If I start and stop ApacheDS cleanly then I have no issues.  But if
>>> ApacheDS is shutdown abruptly (ie the jvm crashes) I can't re-start it
>> with
>>> the following Exception:
>> Which version of ApacheDS ?
> 2.0.0M15
Ok, so the last one. This is a real problem with the current backend we
are using, and we are working on ficing it by simply replacing the
backend. I have spent an huge amount of time trying to add transaction
support, journal, etc in JDBM, to no avail...

At this point, the solution is to switch to Mavibot, but it's not ready
yet : we need to finish the transaction support in it, something I'm
currently working on. The storage itself is already working, we have
tested it, it's even faster than JDBM, but with no transaction support,
we won't have atomic updates in the backed (which means that if we have
a crash in the middle of an operation, the index may be in a wrong
state, with some index pointng to an entry which does not exist yet...).

I know this is not a good news, but I hope to be able to get a working
solution in the next two weeks. If so, we will immediately issue a release.

That's pretty much where we are atm, and I'm sorry for that...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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