On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 6:40 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com>

> Some update...
> The multi-values support is not that easy. Thanks to Shawn, who pointed
> me to the TreeMap data structure, I was able to fix the merge sort,
> which was a requirement to be able to process the tuples and their
> values across multiple files.
> But that was just one of my problems...
> Now, I realise that there is a big flaw in teh way the BTree is loaded :
> when we have multiple values, we can't anymore know teh number of
> elements we have to store, so all the pages number computation is
> broken. The consequence is that we don't know when to stop building the
> tree, or if we stop, we may have incomplete pages.
> The solutions :
> - don't care about the real number of elements, fix the bundaries (ie
> incomplte pages at teh end of each level) when the last element is fetch.
> - as we have a list of files to read elements from, use that to create
> one single file that contains all the elemnts, sorted. We will be able
> to know the number of elements to prcoess, thus building the right BTree.
> I do think the second solution is better, even if it requires to write
> another file. All in all, if we have N elements, processing the whole
> bulk load is now a matter of reading one big file, writing into N
> smaller files, read all of those smaller files and write into a bigger
> file, then read all teh elemenst from this bigger file to write teh data
> in the btree. It's simpler that the other algorihtm, as we don't have to
> cleanup the btree (such a cleanup would require that for each created
> level, we check the last page to see if it's uncomplete (ie <
> PageSize/2) and if so, merge it with the previous page and spread the
> result so that no page has less that PageSize/2 elements).
> +1, cause there seem to be too many boundaries, and IMO handling these
not optimal effort in this scenario

> This second algorithm will most of the time be faster, as we read and
> write the big file one less time, but OTOH, it will move some pages
> around in the resulting BTree, leaving some holes we will have to track.
> That might be an optimization for later on...
> Otherwise, the values themselves are correctly created, even if some
> sub-tree is necessary. However, the creation of subtrees is done the
> standard way (ie through the creation of a btree and injection of the
> values one by one). Here, we could benefit from an in-memory bulkload
> instead of the current mechanism. Some more food for thought...
> the old code was doing bulk insert for sub-BTrees, but some more
I made are currently in this[1] free page management branch

> That is my current status on this piece of code. I may let it aside for
> a few days, as I need to cut an ApacheDS release, which requires a
> mavibot release, but I'll discuss that in another thread.
thanks for the heads up

> thanks !
> Le 11/11/14 02:28, Emmanuel Lécharny a écrit :
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I have been pretty busy those last 2 weeks working on Fortress
> > integration and on the LDAP API release (beside other things).
> >
> > As of today, the mavibot bulkoader, which has been put aside for days
> > with a few pieces of the algorithm to implement, is working. I have
> > tested it with 1 000 000 elements, and it's all good. (It also has been
> > tested with many btrees with incremental sizes to be sure we don't
> > forget a few corner cases).
> >
> > The goals where :
> > - have the bulkloader part of Mavibot, instead of having it in
> > Mavibot-Partition  only.
> > - have it accept as many entries as possible. The previous
> > implementation was not capable to handle millions of elements
> > - have it use a limited amoubt of memory : we now keep only one page per
> > btree level
> >
> > In order to cope with the potential huge number of elements we have to
> > sort before loading them in the btree, we use temporary files, which can
> > hold N sorted elements. Then we do a kind of merge-sort, by pulling the
> > right element from one of the files. One can configurate the number of
> > elements in each file, assuming we sort them in memory. On my tests,
> > above 16 384 elements per file, I don't see a huge improvement.
> >
> > The perf tests I have done on my laptop show that I can load up to 56
> > 600 tuples per second. Don't expect the same performances when it will
> > come to load LDAP entries in the server ! I suspect that it will be 10
> > times slower (still, 5 000 entries per second added would be a great
> > imrporvement over what we have now).
> >
> > There are some steps that need to be fulfilled still :
> > - multi-values support : it's all aboyt bulkloading the values when we
> > have many. Should be easy to implement.
> > - use the bulkloader in ApacheDS mavibot-partition
> > - add a CLI for the mavibot bulkloader and the mavibot-partition
> bulkloader.
> > - add a in-memory bulkloader.
> > - cleanup the code which has many redonduncies atm.
> >
> > Anyway, it's making progress. I'll probably cut a mavibot release
> > tomorrow, which will allow me to cut an ApacheDS release too.
> >
> > thanks !
> >
> >

Kiran Ayyagari

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