I checked out the new doc as below, it's really cool ! Thanks Lin for the heavy 
taking and making it integrated and connected.

Maybe we could move the new "readme" to kerby-dist module and have it in Github 
markdown and look better in the Github mirror ?

How to run with a standalone kdc server, kinit and kadmin?

1. Generate libraries for distribution:
    mvn package -Pdist

2. Run kadmin to add principals:
    sh kerby-dist/tool-dist/bin/kadmin.sh [server-conf-dir]
    In kadmin, you can type "?" for help. For now, the kadmin only supports to 
add principals to json-backend.

3. Run kerby-kdc-server:
    sh kerby-dist/kdc-dist/bin/start-kdc.sh –start [server-conf-dir] [work-dir]

4. Run kinit:
    sh kerby-dist/tool-dist/bin/kinit.sh [principal-name]

    If you don't specify [server-conf-dir] in step 2 or 3, it will be set as 
/etc/kerby. In [server-conf-dir],
there should be kdc.conf, backend.conf. And in /etc/, there should be krb5.conf.

An example of kdc.conf:
        kdc_host = localhost
        kdc_tcp_port = 8015
        kdc_realm = TEST.COM

An example of backend.conf:
    kdc_identity_backend = 
    backend.json.file = /tmp/kerby/jsonbackend

An example of krb5.conf:

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