Non-binding +1.

With the release hopefully we can have bandwidth to implement the LDAP backend 
in Kerby project, backed by Mavibot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Lécharny [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2015 11:41 PM
To: Apache Directory Developers List
Subject: [Vote]

Hi !

This is the seventh release of Apache Mavibot, the MVCC BTree in Java !

This version fixes some serious issues in the way we browse a BTree, and some 
other fixes in the transaction handling. The Copied Pages Btree has been 
temporarily disabled. Some speed improvements have been done, by avoiding 
writing the RecordManager header many times for each update.

The next version will implement a bettre transaction support, with cross btree 
atomic updates, something we don't have currently.

let's vote now !

The revision :

The SVN tag:

The source and binary distribution packages:

The staging repository:

Please cast your votes:
[ ] +1 Release Mavibot 1.0.0-M7
[ ] 0 abstain
[ ] -1 Do not release Mavibot 1.0.0-M7


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