Le 29/01/16 07:41, Zheng, Kai a écrit :
> Thanks for the great work, Emmanuel.
> I have some questions. As discussed previously, it's hard to recreate the 
> database corrupt issue. Did you include a test with a sample corrupt database 
> image and show if it's can be repaired? All the work in a unit test or 
> integration test. Does the repair process just read the database image 
> without any updating or writing? Sorry I don't get the chance to understand 
> the work in details, and it's possible you have done that already. If so 
> please ignore my concerns. Thanks.
Note that atm, it works in a unit test, but when run outside, I'm facing
issues. I'm most certainly overdoing : the first step is to start the
server, which is all but a good idea. I have to simply read the
configuration instead, because this is all what I need.

I'll most certtainly will come with a lighter version this week-end.

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